For Parents and Educators

INSTILL—Drop by Drop Choices

What will you impart to the children in your life—drop by drop—during the brief time you have with them? Robin Steinweg will use the acronym INSTILL to help you enrich and equip them, affirming the “future and hope” in store for them.

 A Book and a Basket

The winding road beckons to a child who loves to read or be read to. Take a road trip virtually or for real. Robin shares how, with a book and a basket, you can go places and foster a lifetime love of reading—together!

Time to Be

Stop the world! I wanna get off!

Today’s children are rushed from bed to school to play practice to piano lessons to basketball to Burger Heaven to dance class, home to do homework and back to bed to start all over again. Does this frenetic pace take a toll? What can the adults in their lives do about it? Robin has ideas for how to guard children’s time to be, and shares them with humor, story and song.

A Song and a Story

The world opens to a child who loves to read. How much better if that love begins at home! Robin will share ways to match up a song and a story, make memories together as a family, and foster a lifetime love of reading.

Bedtime Blues

Got those Bedtime Blues? With humor, story and song, Robin will share ways to get the young ones down for the night without a fight. Parents, grandparents or siblings can turn the Bedtime Bluesinto a Sweet Symphony for Sleep. Wear your PJs, bring a blanket, but don’t fall asleep yet!

Fair Rules and Few

Have you ever given your child a list of things to do or not to do, and then heard, “I forgot”? A list of house rules can easily be forgotten as well. With humor, story and song, Robin will offer ways to whittle the rules to a rememberable few, and still cover the important stuff!

So Happy Together—Siblings

Brothers and sisters. Next to parents, they have the greatest influence over children’s early lives. We want this relationship to be a help and not a detriment! With humor, story and song Robin will offer ways adults can help siblings join the FFL—Friends Forever League.

Sandwich Cookie Parenting

You have youngsters to raise or teach, or adult children to support. Now your parents need your help, too. Welcome to the sandwich generation. Robin prefers to see it as a sandwich cookie. She’ll share how sweet it can be in the middle. Come away encouraged and discover the filling in your own sandwich cookie.


Other Topics

Culture It (Music and others ways to introduce diversity to your family.)

Almost Always Inconvenient (But worth it—that’s parenting!)

What’s Forty Years or So? (Grandparents and Kids—BFF.)

Nobody Does it Better (Than you, the parent)

Get a Dog (But not when you’re potty-training the toddler! Lessons from a dog trainer)

Baby Age to Old Age (Songs that Comfort, Amuse and Restore Sanity at All Ages)

Every Age is the Best (A mindset to develop.)